Adobe Reader has recently been updated to a new version called Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
This latest version of Adobe Reader is still FREE and works exactly the same as before, but it does look a little different. The video tutorial below shows you how to Open, Edit, Save and Print one of my editable invitations (my Star Wars Invitation!) using this newest version.
Still using an older version of Adobe Reader? That’s fine – the process is still the same as in the video. Or you can update for free quickly and easily here:
Don’t like watching videos? I generally don’t either, so I have included some written instructions and screenshots below.
How to Open a Template
I recommend opening your editable template directly from Adobe Reader. To do this, firstly download your template to a folder on your computer and then open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Once in Adobe Acrobat Reader click on File > Open.
Select your downloaded template and press Open.
How to remove the shaded boxes
Once you open your file you will see these shaded boxes on your template.
These boxes simply tell you where there are editable text fields and act as a guide to show you where you can type your own text. They won’t print out!
If you prefer to turn the shaded boxes off, on a Mac click on Acrobat Reader > Preferences (on a PC you will need to click on Edit Menu > Preferences) and then click on the Forms Category and untick the “Show border hover color for fields” box. Press OK.
How to move the bottom toolbar
I like to move this little toolbar up the top out of the way.
To do this, just click on the last icon on the toolbar and it will move up the top.
Right-hand Side Options
These options on the right-hand side of the screen are NOT required to edit my printables. YOU DON”T WANT TO CLICK ON THESE! – if you do you will be asked to pay to upgrade to the pro version and create an account with Adobe (which you don’t need to do).
Hide them by clicking on the little arrow.
Editing the Text
All fonts in my printables are already embedded in the templates, so you don’t need to worry about downloading and importing any fonts.
To edit the text, simply highlight or select my sample text that you want to change.
And then just start typing!
Changing Text Size
Most text fields will let you make the text size smaller (if you have more than my sample text to fit in) or bigger (if you have less than my sample text and want to make it stand out more).
To change the text size, highlight your text and press Control+E (or Command+E on a Mac) to bring up the Text Properties toolbar. Change the size on the toolbar.
If you get a little + sign at the bottom right of your text box, this means that your text size is too big – you will need to reduce the text size. Also check that you haven’t got any extra unwanted returns/enters after your text.
How to Save a Template
Once you have made your changes, you will need to save your file.
To save it, click on File > Save As
Make sure you save your file to “My Computer”. You can choose a “Recent Folder” from the list or select “Choose a Different Folder”.
Select a folder on your computer to save the file. You can also rename it if you like to something meaningful to you. Press Save.
If you are sending your file out for printing, you might also wish to save your template to a USB/flash drive here.
How to Print a Template
It’s easy to print your template out on your home color printer.
Click on the Print icon on the top Menu bar to bring up the Print Dialog Box.
In the Print Dialog Box, type in how many copies of the page you wish to print. Make sure you have the “Actual Size” option selected under the Page Size and Handling section. This will ensure that your template prints out at it’s designed size.
Press Print!
The post Video Tutorial – editing an Invitation using the new Adobe Acrobat Reader DC appeared first on SIMONEmadeit Party Printables.